Next to Newsletter
Monday- May 18, 2009
A weekly publication of Next to New Resale Boutique

This is SO exciting! Starting today, the Next to Newsletter is available in BLOG format! It'll make for an easy archive. Ever wanted to go back to the Free Rice game or locate a link from an old newsletter that's no longer in your saved email? No longer a problem! The newsletters will be easily archived- just scroll back to find the one you want.
The most exciting aspect to me is the ability for readers to comment on the newsletter- add suggestions, thrifty links, anything! It'll feel much like the community we are.
I'll continue sending out the email newsletter while I get a better handle on this blogging stuff. After that, if all goes well, I'll be sending a link each week to the blog...IF all goes well.
Anybody have experience using Blogspot? If you do, I'd love to meet up with you somewhere like Panera where there's an Internet hotspot and pick your brain. There's lunch in it for you so please give me a call.'s the blog. Look it over, click on the comment envelope at the end of the post and let me know what you think.

What's on Sale?
Monday-Tuesday: Ladies' Dresses and Sets
Wednesday-Thursday: Menswear
Friday-Saturday-Sunday: Infantwear Newborn-24 Months
There's CA$H in your closet!
Since the economy began it's precipitous nosedive, N2N has been doing all of it's buying in exchange for credit in the shop. That move has kept us solvent and in business while so many other shops have folded.
Now, we've decided to stick our toes back into the cash buying waters...each week, we'll be doing cash buying for one area in the shop that really needs inventory. Now, for the second week, it's SHOES.
Here's how it works... bring your shoes (men's, women's, children's) that are in perfect condition. We'll buy them for cash. You can bring in other clothing and accessories as well- we'll buy them for credit as usual. Please pack your shoes separately and let us know that you have cash items when you come in. Buying hours are the same: Monday thru Thursday 10AM to 4PM and other times by prior arrangement.
We'll be buying shoes for cash for the next week- through Sunday the 24th. Check next week's newsletter to see what the next buy-for-cash department will be.
Stop the presses! New columns!
My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Gainesville Times. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy. His latest was published on May 9. Click here to read Arthur's review of free programs.
My May 15th column is about the tragic consequences of inattentive parenting. Click here to see it.

For those of you who missed Storytime at Next to New a few weeks ago, it's now on YouTube! Click here to see Rachel perform Carmen Agra Deedy's "Martina the Beautiful Cockroach."
We hope to have more Sunday Storytimes during the summer...stay tuned!
Rabies Clinic

The Humane Society of Hall County will hold a Microchip Clinic & Rabies Clinic at North Hall High School in front of Agricultural Shop on Saturday, May 30 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Rabies shots are $10.00. Microchipping (including registration) is also available for each pet for only $20.00. They also have a combo rate--have both done for only $25.00!For the protection of all, every pet must be contained in a carrier or leashed.Puppies and kittens must be 3 months old for rabies shots.
Volunteers are needed for this event. For more information on other events, go to or email Gwen at or call 770-532-6617.
Ways to Save

Margie Sinclair is an accountant so she knows a good deal when she sees one! She alerted us to 11 Alive News' Ways to Save on their website. It has scads of links to thrifty sites, downloadable coupons and other moneysaving tips. Click here to go there. Thanks, Margie!
Word Bubbles

Woman's Day Magazine has a great online presence. My latest find there is a game called Word Bubbles.
It is designed to train and improve your processing speed. It targets verbal fluency by training you to think flexibly and creatively to come up with words. It's also here to give it a try.
This Week's Recipe Blog

Whenever we've visited Sarasota, one of my favorites stops has always been Yoder's, a restaurant run by members of Sarasota's large Mennonite community. Their Pennsylvania Dutch style cuisine is as delicious as it is hearty. Now you can try these recipes at home. There are cabbage rolls, hot cross buns, even a special gluten-free section. Click here to go to the Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog.
Bumper Sticker of the Week

Weekly this 'n' that

Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit.
If you'd like to be added to the N2N Hot Flash list and receive freebie and bargain alerts during the week, just email me at

Be sure to send your favorite recipes to include in the blog we're putting together so Molly can have a taste of home while she's out in Mississippi.
Computer Problems?
Don't hesitate to call Arthur if your computer has a virus or isn't running as fast as it should. He will come to you or you can drop off your PC at Next to New. His rates put the Geeks to shame and your satisfaction is guaranteed. One-on-one instruction available or get some friends together for an even better rate. He can fix software problems through remote access if necessary, so no matter where you are, give him a call - your computer will thank you. (770) 540-5100
That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...
If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out!
Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6
This newsletter is produced as a service to our customers. If you would like to be removed from the email list, simply reply to our email message with "remove" typed in the subject line. Our Privacy Policy: We will never sell, barter, trade, or give your email address to anyone else, for any reason. Ever.
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