A weekly publication of Next to New Resale Boutique

Let's do the Wild Card Sale this week...you remember how it works: we have cards labeled with different 30% off departments-ladies' tops, infantwear, dresses, menswear...you get the idea. One card even wins you 30% off of your entire purchase.

Get a free holiday music sampler courtesy of iTunes. You’ll find 20 songs, including “O Come All Ye Faithful” as sung by Amy Grant and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” as sung by Rascal Flatts.
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting FREE FOOD donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (about 15 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals for free'. This doesn't cost you a thing.
Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.Here's the web site. Please pass it along to people you know.
Tortugas (Turtles)

20 small mini pretzels
20 Rolos or caramel centered Hershey's Kisses
20 pecan halves
Preheat oven to 200 degrees F.
Arrange the pretzels in a single layer on a parchment or foil lined cookie sheet. Place one chocolate covered caramel candy on each pretzel.
Bake for 4 minutes. While the candy is warm, press a pecan half onto each candy covered pretzel. Cool completely before storing in an airtight container.
Last Word

The Gainesville Evening Optimist Club's 53rd Annual Christmas Tree and Wreath Fundraiser is in full swing. You'll find beautiful trees of all sizes and hand crafted wreaths at the tree lot on Browns Bridge Road next to Gallery (Wolfman's) Furniture.
The Gainesville Evening Optimist Club is dedicated to serving the kids of our area and your tree purchase helps further that mission. Stop by the tree lot any time...if there's no one there, you can just pick out your tree and drop a check through the "Honest John" slot in the door. How's that for easy?
It's heartwarming to see how many people step up to help others during this season of giving. We get lots of folks in shopping for needy families. May I make a suggestion? Why not give a N2N gift certificate as part of your Angel Tree gift?
We'll be glad to convert some of your store credit into a gift certificate or sell you a credit to use as part of your Christmas giving. You'll know the recipient will be able to find great fashions and learn about the many benefits of resale shopping at the same time.
Now, that's the gift that keeps on giving!

We're still collecting both essentials and goodies to send to SSgt Latessa Bortner in Saudi Arabia. So far, the response has been wonderful- you've donated enough for us to send six large flat rate priority boxes!
Here's what she said in her latest email: "We got another box from you yesterday - the parrot magnets were a hit! I also love the Georgia Tech ornaments (though I'm being kind of selfish and have them hanging above my bed so I can see them when I go to sleep instead of putting them on the tree in our work tent ) I can't wait to get back and give all of you a big hug, you just can't know how much your support has meant to me and all of my fellow airmen! "
Packages will be going out to Latessa each Wednesday so please keep the goodies coming in!
Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit. November's winner is Pam Hudgins.

Don't hesitate to call Arthur if your computer has a virus or isn't running as fast as it should. He will come to you or you can drop off your PC at Next to New. His rates put the Geeks to shame and your satisfaction is guaranteed. One-on-one instruction available or get some friends together for an even better rate. He can fix software problems through remote access if necessary, so no matter where you are, give him a call - your computer will thank you. You can click here to go to his website.

Have a remarkable week!
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6
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