I'm writing this on the 4th of July. Many of you won't read this until the holiday is over. Still, let me wish you a happy, healthy and safe Independence Day and offer this list of 100 great things about America (click here) What would you add to the list? I submit that Elachee Nature Science Center and the John C. Campbell Folk School (pictured above) are worthy additions.

Swim wear (especially for boys and men)
Shoes (for everybody)
Tchotchkes (household bric-a-brac)
What's on Sale?

Monday-Tuesday: 30% OFF Ladies' Dresses and Sets
Wednesday-Thursday: 30% OFF Maternity
Friday-Saturday-Sunday: 30% OFF Infantwear 0-24 months
New Columns!

My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Times here in Gainesville. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy.
His latest was published on June 26th. Click here to read Arthur's musings on taking a break from technology.
His latest was published on June 26th. Click here to read Arthur's musings on taking a break from technology.
My June 25th column is about the dangers of parental ambitions.
Click here to see it.
Get Fresh!

There are a number of farmer's markets and fruit stands to choose from right now, but this is my favorite. It's hosted by the Sunshine Seniors on Thursday and Friday of each week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hall County Health Department (1290 Athens St.) These are some hard-gardening grandparents-- wonderful dewy fresh veggies and fruits, potted plants, jams and jellies and more!
Now Showing

Pam Ware Community Theatre presents "Bye, Bye Birdie" on July 14-17. It's at the The Warehouse on the Gainesville High campus. Curtain is at 7:30 p.m, Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for seniors and children. For more information, call 770-531-2680.
If you've never seen one of these community productions, you're in for a treat...it's summer theatre at it's very, very best!
BOGO Breakfast!

Our friend Connie at Brad's Grill brought us a great offer:
Buy one breakfast biscuit or breakfast sandwich and get one of
equal or lesser value for FREE!
Limit one per customer per visit. Expires 7-31-10
Brad's Grill
528 Bradford St., SW
(Downtown- behind Quizno's and CVS)
Gainesville 770-536-6624
Mon-Fri: Open 6:30 am Saturday: Open 7:30 am
Just print this and take it to Brad's. I recommend the egg biscuit!

I admit it- I'm crazy for You Tube. This is my latest favorite. The baby in the video was born deaf. He's just had a cochlear implant. Click here to see his reaction when he hears his mother's voice for the first time. All together now...awwwwww!
Latest Discovery

We definitely need to get out more...even though it's been there for more than a year, Rachel and I just recently wandered in to Bare Soles Thrift Store on Hwy 129N (right at the Hall-White County line.) It's run by an earth mother/artist/reflexologist named Gin who, along with her baby and little girl (sound familiar?), oversee a shop that's fun, funky and inspirational.
Her inventory is donated and she combines her work with a food ministry...there's food for the taking if you know anyone who's in need. We were pressed for time and I didn't get all the details like hours of operation and such, but drop her an email if you have questions- the address is reflexbaresoles@yahoo.com.
Nice to meetcha, Gin- we'll be back soon!
Little Known Uses for Peels, Seeds and Shells

How many times have you eaten a banana and then immediately tossed the peel? What about your orange peels or your avocado pits? Well, contrary to popular belief, these fruit leftovers can be used in a bunch of useful ways.
Click here to learn more.
Click here to learn more.
And while we're on the topic of banana peels, click here to see the Mythbusters take on the slapstick "slip on a banana peel" tradition...can you really step on a banana peel and fall?
Wait! There's more! Click here to learn how to open a banana like a monkey...
...and, finally, Publix has Diana's Bananas Banana Babies (chocolate dipped frozen bananas- oh, so yummy!) as one of their buy one get one free items! This offer expires Wednesday, so hurry on over. If they're out, they'll gladly give you a rain check. Thanks, Publix!
Looking for Love
Here's this week's spotlight on a couple of the adorable pets available at the Hall County Animal Shelter on Barber Road.

This dignified little lady would love to be your forever kitty. Click here to learn more about this sweet girl.

This is Baxter. Please let this be his last 4th of July without a home. Click here to learn more about this handsome fellow.
Bring in your adoption form from any area shelter (within one week of the adoption) and get a $10.00 N2N store credit...just our way thanking you for saving a life!
Don't Be Chicken!

Friday, July 9th is Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. Here's the scoop:
It's become a holiday for Chick-fil-A fans. Just come to any Chick-fil-A on July 9th fully dressed as a cow (you know, to prove that you are no chicken) and they'll give you a FREE Chick-fil-A meal! And bring the kids, because calves get free meals too!
For more information, click here for a Cow Appreciation FAQ. If you're not feeling too creative, Chick-fil-A makes it easy for you by providing a "Costume Starter Kit" here.
It's become a holiday for Chick-fil-A fans. Just come to any Chick-fil-A on July 9th fully dressed as a cow (you know, to prove that you are no chicken) and they'll give you a FREE Chick-fil-A meal! And bring the kids, because calves get free meals too!
For more information, click here for a Cow Appreciation FAQ. If you're not feeling too creative, Chick-fil-A makes it easy for you by providing a "Costume Starter Kit" here.
Mango Madness

I can't believe I've been around this long and am just discovering mangos! Each Friday, Los 3 Compadres Grocery at the end of our shopping center sells containers of peeled and sliced ripe mango for $2.00. One bite and I was hooked.
Before long, I started looking for recipes that used my new-found delicacy. My favorite breakfast is now made of frozen blueberries, diced mango, vanilla yogurt and chopped almonds.
For mango main dishes, I rely on allrecipes.com. Click here for a wonderful chicken/avocado/mango summer salad.
Wise Words

"Smooth seas do not a skillful sailor make." - African proverb

N2N wants you to like us...on Facebook! Click here to go to our fan page and click "like" to join up. We post great deals when we find them during the week and link to other great frugal sites. We have the Deal of the Day and Hot Flashes...you sure don't want to miss out on that!
All of our Facebook friends who are signed up by July 15th will be entered in a drawing to receive a FREE Computer House Calls Laptop Tune-Up. Arthur will make your laptop SING! Don't have a laptop? You can win the equivalent in drop-off services for your desktop.

Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit. May's winner was Cindy Furlow. Congratulations, Cindy!
Click here to see a short video on why it's important for us all to decrease our use of plastics.

Get a $5.00 store credit any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit on the spot.
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!

...and don't forget Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.

N2N has resumed cash buying! Here's how it works: for cash, we're purchasing only name brand, mall brand and better fashions. We're only taking in-season pieces (spring/summer). They must be in perfect condition and have been bought new less than 3 years ago.
Just give me a call at the shop (770-534-9070) or on my cell (770-539-1911) I'll need to set up an appointment since I'm currently the only one who is doing the cash buying. I'm giving preference to areas of the shop that have the quickest turn-over in inventory- plus sizes, maternity, men's casual wear, shoes and toddler sizes.
Of course, we're still continuing the store credit buying and the amount we pay is about 30% more than the cash.
Cash or store credit- either way, we all win!
Computer Problems?

Arthur can fix your computer, rid it of viruses and malware or tune it up for you. He'll make it run faster than it did when you first bought it. You can drop it off at N2N or he can do a house call. He writes a column on computer care for The Times every other Saturday. You can visit his blog at http://computerhousecalls.blogspot.com/ to see an archive of columns, searchable by keywords.
Most times he will have your computer back to you within two days and his rates include a free follow-up phone consultation.
Call Computer House Calls at 770-540-5100 or email him at arthur@glazerthepctech.com. Your computer will thank you.

That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...

If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out!
Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6
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