I can't believe I'm saying this but it's time to start thinking about
BACK TO SCHOOL! In just a few short weeks, we'll be packing backpacks, meeting school buses and filling out an inch high stacks of forms and permission slips. Wow. Where has the summer gone?
Here at N2N, we've got your back! We're still putting out the warm weather clothes your kids will need until October but we've also started tagging and hanging fall inventory- come by and save, save, save on all your back to school fashions!
What's on sale this week?

You just can't beat the Wild Card Sale. Pick a card to see where you'll find your 30% discount. Is it ladies' tops? Kid's clothes? Menswear? 30% off your whole purchase? Hey, you'll never know if you don't play!

Thinking about cleaning out some closets? Remember our mantra:
Recycle Reuse Resale!
Here's a refresher on our buying program:
Do the first cut for us. Don't bring anything with problems...spots, stains, smelly, outdated...you know the drill.
We do our store credit buying Monday thru Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. You don't need an appointment but our buying is on a first come, first served basis so you may have to wait a few minutes (Hint: we have TWO buyers here on Monday and Wednesday so if you're pressed for time, those days are your best bet.)
As a rule, we don't buy on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There's often only one employee in the shop and it's impossible to give our customers the attention they deserve if we're up front buying. Thanks for understanding.
We want to buy your clothes. If your schedule prevents you from coming in during normal buying hours, just give us a call and we'll work out a time.
Latest Columns

My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Times here in Gainesville. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy.
Arthur's latest was published on July 9. Click here to read " It may be time to ditch your old programs."
My latest column was published July 8. Click here to read "Teach kids early to wear their seat belts."
He takes after his father...

There's something so sweet about cross-species adoptions- baby pigs raised by a tiger, a gorilla who's best friends with a kitten...click here to read the story of cat who adopted a baby squirrel.

Movies on the Green continue. There will be outdoor screenings of "Rango," July 21 and "Gnomeo & Juliet," Aug. 4 at the Arts Council Smithgall Arts Center Lawn, 331 Spring St. in Gainesville. Admission is free for members, all others are $4 for adults and $2 for seniors/children. For more information, call 770-534-2787 of click on www.theartscouncil.net. Be sure to bring a blanket or lawn chair.
Text from your computer

I'm sure this is old news to many of you, but I just discovered I can send texts from my laptop! Arthur swears he told me about it a long time ago but I have no recollection. He also says I don't pay attention to anything he says, so...
My old Razor phone makes texting a chore but THIS...wow! Since I can text Rachel in Israel for free, this information arrived at the perfect time.
Click here to read the eHow instructions.
Whatcha Eatin'?
You can make a delicious, fluffy, moist peanut butter cake in your microwave in about one minute (30 seconds mixing, 30 seconds zapping). It even has frosting. This is portion control and convenience at their greatest.
The options are also endless. Toss in a tablespoon of chocolate chips for a chocolatey and gooey kick (like it has in the picture) or a few peanuts for an earthy crunch. Or leave it plain for the quickest and easiest route to dessert bliss.
One Minute Peanut Butter Cake

Serves One
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 heaping tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 teaspoon milk
1 tablespoon powdered sugar (give or take)
In a small bowl, whisk together egg, brown sugar, baking powder, peanut butter and flour.
Pour batter into a greased ramekin. Microwave for 30 seconds.
While the cake is microwaving, stir together milk and powdered sugar, adding more powdered sugar if necessary to thicken frosting.
Remove cake from ramekin (or don’t) and pour frosting over top.
Wise Words

A three year old child is a being who gets almost as much pleasure out of a five hundred dollar set of swings as she does out of finding a small brown worm.
Weekly this 'n' that

N2N wants you to like us...on Facebook! Click here to go to our fan page and click "like" to join up. We post great deals when we find them during the week and link to other great frugal sites. We have the Deal of the Day and Hot Flashes...you sure don't want to miss out on that!

Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit. June's winner was Evelyn Sims. Congratulations, Evelyn!

Get a $5.00 store credit any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit to use on your next visit.
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!

...and remember Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.

Arthur says that if you have an old computer- whether a desktop or laptop- and you have data on it that you'd like to have removed or copied, he can do that for you.
If you've recently changed computers or plan to soon, he can extract those photos and documents you may have thought were lost for good. Well, they are not lost and your computer may even be salvageable. Let him take a look at it. He can also replace a small or defective hard drive or add a second one if you've run out of storage space.
He reminds you that just as with your car, your computer requires periodic tune-ups, usually twice a year. He can clean the junk from your system, check it for viruses and malware and make it run faster. Even if you think yours is running fine, he can make it run faster. His rates are reasonable and he stands behind his work.
Call Computer House Calls at 770-540-5100 or email him at glazer.tech@gmail.com.
Your computer will thank you.

That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...

If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out!
Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6