Fall's here and we're working as hard as we can to get out all the sweaters, coats, jackets and other cold-weather gear. You'll want to stop by often- we're putting out about 400 pieces a day!
What's on sale?

Everybody loves the Wild Card Sale- pick a card to find out where your 30% discount is- tops? pants? kid's clothes? Pick a card and see!

My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Times here in Gainesville. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy.

Arthur's latest was published on September 3rd. Click here to read "Search engines are your browser's GPS."

My latest column was published September 2nd. Click here to read "How a broken marriage can lead to broken kids."
Learn something every day

Learn Something Every Day is a quirky little site that has an app and email to send you an interesting fact every day. Did you know that Britain's smallest bird is the Firecrest? It weighs the same as a teaspoon of sugar. Chick here to get your daily facts.
Recycle surprise

Here's a great video in which a flash mob shows a crowded mall why it's a good idea to recycle whenever you have the chance. Click here to check out the video with the surprising end.
Shopping support

Now here's a great idea: Smarterpresents.com lets you plug in the age and sex of the person you're shopping for and the site gives you suggestions for gifts in every price range. Then it directs you to the order page on Amazon.com. I did a couple of trial runs using Arthur and the girls as subjects and the suggestions were all good. Check it out and see what you think.
What kids see

Click here to view the difference between what we see and what kids see. So funny and so true!
N2N Family News

Our Rachel spent the summer in Israel as a Bronfman Youth Fellow. Many of you helped with her expenses by supporting her bake sales in the shop- thanks again! Rachel's written an article about her trip for The Times. Click here to read it.
Whatcha Eatin'?

Since Rachel's returned from Israel she's had a taste for Middle Eastern foods- hummus, felafel, lots of fresh veggies and pita. Here's a great hummus recipe- oh, so good and much more economical than the store-bought kind!
2 cups canned garbanzo beans, drained
1/3 cup tahini (sesame seed paste- in a pinch you can use peanut butter)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic, halved
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 pinch paprika
1 teaspoon minced fresh parsley
Place the garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, salt and garlic in a blender or food processor.
Blend until smooth. Transfer mixture to a serving bowl.
Drizzle olive oil over the garbanzo bean mixture.
Sprinkle with paprika and parsley.
Serve with fresh cut carrots, celery, cucumber, zucchini rounds, pita chips...the possibilities are endless.
An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life...
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy."It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."
Weekly this 'n' that

A few weeks ago, N2N's Facebook friends had an opportunity to print a coupon good for a day of half price shopping. You don't want to miss out on deals like that so click here to go to our fan page and click "like" to join up.

Get a $5.00 store credit any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit to use on your next visit.
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!

...and remember Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.
Computer Problems?

Don't hesitate to call Arthur if your computer has a virus or isn't
running as fast as it should. He will come to you or you can drop off your
PC at Next to New. His rates put the Geeks to shame and your satisfaction is
guaranteed. One-on-one instruction available or get some friends together
for an even better rate. He can fix software problems through remote access
if necessary, so no matter where you are, give him a call - your computer
will thank you. Call Computer House Calls at 770-540-5100 or email him at glazer.tech@gmail.com.
Your computer will thank you.

That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...

If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out!
Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6