What's on sale?

Let us know if you'd like to draw a card to see where your 30% discount is!
Wish List

You name it, we'd like to have it. Clean out everybody's closet and come on over. We especially need children's winter clothes. Also, shoes are a hot seller and I don't need to tell you...we can never have too many shoes.
Here's a refresher on our buying program:
Do the first cut for us. Don't bring anything with problems- spots, stains, smelly, outdated. You know the drill.
We do our store credit buying Monday thru Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. You don't need an appointment but our buying is on a first come, first served basis so you may have to wait a few minutes (Hint: we have TWO buyers here on Monday and Wednesday so if you're pressed for time, those days are your best bet.)
As a rule, we don't buy on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There's often only one employee in the shop and it's impossible to give our customers the attention they deserve if we're up front buying. Thanks for understanding.
We want to buy your clothes. If your schedule prevents you from coming in during normal buying hours, just give me a call (my cell is 770-539-1911) and we'll work out a time.
My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Times here in Gainesville. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy.
Arthur's latest was published on October 29th. Click here to read "Scrub unused programs off your computer"
I took some time off from writing columns this month so here's one I wrote a few years ago about one of those "Gee, why didn't I think of that?" marketing ideas. My column will resume on November 11th.

North Hall High School's Hollow Horse Players Present IMPROV THIS!
Like surprises? So do they. They don't have scenes without an audience to lend them ideas for situations, characters, and more. You create the show. They'll make you laugh. It's a win-win when you IMPROV THIS!
It's Thursday, November 10 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5.00 or you can donate five canned good items in exchange for admission.
Black Friday
My Atlanta Mommy has a great preview of all the area steals and deals for the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Click here to start planning your shopping strategy now.
10 lifesaving skills everyone should know
This is one of those videos that went viral and with good reason. It's a couple of years old and you may have already seen it but it's well worth watching again. Click here.
Here's another gotta see video- one of the best bride and father dances ever!
Whatcha Eatin'?

Full of flavor, this pierogi-inspired casserole is rich and hearty. It's a wonderful change from the usual humdrum casserole and a great contribution to any pot luck dinner. Just omit the bacon if you want to go the vegetarian route.
Click here to give it a try.
Wise Words


North Hall High School's Hollow Horse Players Present IMPROV THIS!
Like surprises? So do they. They don't have scenes without an audience to lend them ideas for situations, characters, and more. You create the show. They'll make you laugh. It's a win-win when you IMPROV THIS!
It's Thursday, November 10 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5.00 or you can donate five canned good items in exchange for admission.
Black Friday

Click here to start planning your shopping strategy now.
10 lifesaving skills everyone should know
There are many dangers that lurk in the world around us; fortunately, basic knowledge, common sense, and not panicking can ensure you come out on top of most emergency situations. Click here to check out the skills you need to wisely react if and when you’re ever put to the test.
You gotta see this...
You gotta see this...

Whatcha Eatin'?

Full of flavor, this pierogi-inspired casserole is rich and hearty. It's a wonderful change from the usual humdrum casserole and a great contribution to any pot luck dinner. Just omit the bacon if you want to go the vegetarian route.
Click here to give it a try.
Wise Words
Weekly this 'n' that
A few weeks ago, N2N's Facebook friends had an opportunity to print a coupon good for a day of half price shopping. You don't want to miss out on deals like that so click here to go to our fan page and click "like" to join up.
Get a $5.00 store credit any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit to use on your next visit. Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!

...and remember Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.
Computer Problems?
Don't hesitate to call Arthur if your computer has a virus or isn'trunning as fast as it should. He will come to you or you can drop off yourPC at Next to New. His rates put the Geeks to shame and your satisfaction is guaranteed. One-on-one instruction available or get some friends together for an even better rate. He can fix software problems through remote access if necessary, so no matter where you are, give him a call - your computer will thank you. Call him at 770-540-5100 or email him at glazer.tech@gmail.com.

...and remember Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.
Computer Problems?

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