Well, Fall is upon us and what does that mean? Why, furnace troubles, of course!

Any of you who have ever had a commercial lease you know that these repairs fall on the tenant, not the landlord. So in order to keep N2N toasty warm this winter, here's what we're going to do:
We're holding an EXTRA storewide half price sale on Sunday, October 18th!
It'll be just like our usual First Friday Sale- everything in the shop will be half of the original price (unless already priced less). Methods of payment are cash, credit card or check. You can use your store credit but the discount won't apply.
So stick a reminder on the refrigerator and come on out:
Sunday October 18th
Next to New
1 pm to 6 pm
What's on Sale the Rest of the Week?
I hope you like the Wild Card Sale 'cause we sure do...so much so that we're doing again this week through Saturday. You remember how it works: we have cards labeled with different 30% off departments- ladies' tops, infantwear, dresses, menswear...you get the idea. One card even wins you 30% off of your entire purchase.
Refresher Course
You name it, we'd like to have it. Clean out everybody's closet and come on over. We especially need children's winter clothes. Also, shoes are a hot seller and I don't need to tell you...we can never have too many shoes. Here's a refresher on our buying program:
Do the first cut for us. Don't bring anything with problems...spots, stains, smelly, outdated...you know the drill.
We do our store credit buying Monday thru Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. You don't need an appointment but our buying is on a first come, first served basis so you may have to wait a few minutes (Hint: we have TWO buyers here on Monday and Thursday so if you're pressed for time, those days are your best bet)As a rule, we don't buy on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There's often only one employee in the shop and it's impossible to give our customers the attention they deserve if we're up front buying. Thanks for understanding.
We want to buy your clothes. If your schedule prevents you from coming in during normal buying hours, just give me a call (my cell is 770-539-1911) and we'll work out a time.
Trick or Treat!
Be sure to stop by N2N in costume on Halloween and get a treat! Bring the kiddies , too...we'll be taking pictures and we'll share lots of them in the N2N Newsletter!
Click here to review some important Halloween safety suggestions.
New Columns
My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Gainesville Times.
His deal with computing and technology issues.
Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy. His latest was published on October 10th.
Click here to read Arthur's piece on the new Windows 7 release.
My October 2nd column is about guilty pleasures on the Internet. Click here to read it.
Speaking of Guilty Pleasures...
This is my new favorite show...GLEE, seen on FOX on Wednesdays at 9 pm, is a comedy for the aspiring underdog in all of us. The series follows an optimistic teacher who - against all odds and a malicious cheerleading coach - attempts to save McKinley High's Glee Club from obscurity, while helping a group of aspiring underdogs realize their true star potential.
Each episode features musical numbers that will leave you breathless...you can see most of the episodes to date on FOX on Demand- pop the popcorn and then click
Makes me wish I had boys...

13 Things Your Grocer Won't Tell You
Get smarter about grocery shopping. These tips could change your family eating habits. Click
Do you have Swine Flu?
Do you have H1N1
If you do have symptoms of the H1N1 flu, the website says to call and tell your doctor you might be "very sick" with the flu, and ask if you "need to be seen right now." And if you don't have H1N1 symptoms, this is a cheap way to put your mind at ease so you can get some rest.
You can also check out these myths about H1N1 from Consumer Reports.
Sounds like fun...
Apples, Apples, Apples!
Joann Phelps sent us this great Fall recipe...just in time for when all those Ellijay apples start coming in. Thanks, Joann!
Getting Crafty in the Kitchen
Just in time for the holidays...here are adorable individual sized pies in a jar that can be frozen until time for cooking or gifting. Click here to get started.
The Right Tree

Travis Oliver will talk about planting "The Right Tree for the Right Place," presented by Hall County Master Gardeners at 5 p.m. on Oct. 20 at Gardens on Green, 711 Green St. in Gainesville. Admission is free.
N2N Family News

Arthur's brother, Ron, is a photographer based in New York City and the Hamptons. He's also our girls' favorite uncle. And it's his birthday!
Click here to see a slideshow of some of his amazing work...these Glazer boys sure are talented!
The Last Word

Weekly this 'n' that

Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit.
If you'd like to be added to the N2N Hot Flash list and receive freebie and bargain alerts during the week, just email me at

Each week, we'll be doing cash buying for one area in the shop that really needs inventory. Again this week, it's SHOES.
We'll be buying shoes for cash all week- through Thursday, October 15th. Check next week's newsletter to see what the next buy-for-cash department will be.

Get a $5.00 store credit to you any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit on the spot.
THEN- at the end of the month we'll hold a drawing of names of everyone who brought us new shoppers. That winner gets a $50.00 store credit. Also, if you brought us the MOST new shoppers, you'll get a $50.00 store credit.
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!
Computer Problems?

Don't hesitate to call Arthur if your computer has a virus or isn't running as fast as it should. He will come to you or you can drop off yourPC at Next to New. His rates put the Geeks to shame and your satisfaction is guaranteed. One-on-one instruction available or get some friends together for an even better rate. He can fix software problems through remote access if necessary, so no matter where you are, give him a call - your computer will thank you. You can click here to go to his website.

www.glazerthepctech.com (770) 540-5100
That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...
If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out! Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6
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