Good morning!

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
Now it's time to get ready for the New Year! 2012, here we come!

Let's do the Wild Card Sale again!
Pick a card to see where your 30% discount will be.
There's the old superstition that holds whatever you do the first day of the year, you'll do the whole year long. So come by N2N on New Year's Day...start 2012 off right by saving 50%!

Storewide Half Price Shopping
at Next to New
Sunday, January 1, 2012
1 PM- 6 PM
First Friday rules apply

My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Times here in Gainesville. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy.

Arthur's latest Computer Care column, about setting up all those new electronics you got for Christmas, was published on December 24th. Click here to read it.

My column ran on December 23rd. Click here to read "A punch in the gut to holiday cheer."
New Year’s Eve Celebration at I.N.K.

Thanks to Macaroni Kid Gainesville: Interactive Neighborhood for Kids provides kids with a virtual community experience. It features pint-size versions of neighborhood staples, including a post office, a grocery store and an animal medical center. Kids can ramble in and around the indoor park and climb on vehicles, including a 1927 firetruck. The New Year’s Eve Celebration hosts special crafts in the museum’s front room. Kids can make their own party hats and shakers. At noon and 3:30 p.m., the children have the opportunity to take their creations and parade through the museum. Then everyone gathers in the lobby for a countdown.
Interactive Neighborhood for Kids
999 Chestnut St., Gainesville
December 31, 10 am-5 pm
$8 Entry, FREE for ages 1 and younger
770-536-1900 or For More Information
What's your favorite?
This week I'm starting something new. I'm going to look through my favorites list on Explorer and tell you about four of my most-visited sites. After that, I'll be contacting some of you to ask about and profile some of your favorites...or be a volunteer- just drop me an email ( and let me know about four or five of your most-liked sites.

1. Southern Savers. This is my go-to site for everything about couponing and discounts. It has easy interface and up-to-date information that can't be beat. It's organized by store and there are always lots of printable coupons to go with the sales. There's also a Facebook page and email updates.

2. Weight Watchers. I'm a true believer. I joined last summer and I've lost 27 pounds so far. Arthur's lost 12 and he's not even a member. The Points Plus program is the best weight loss program I've ever tried (and believe me, I've tried them ALL!) If you decide to join, registration is currently free with lots of convenient meeting times. I go on Monday nights at 6:30- come then and we'll hang out! Even if you don't join, the site offers lots of good information, excellent recipes and community support.

3. That is Priceless. It's a simple idea, taken to hilarious lengths. Award-winning comedy writer Steven Melcher posts a masterpiece each day along with a new, edgy caption. For example, this Gustave Courbet painting becomes Johnny Depp Realizing He Left the Oven On.

4. The Pioneer Woman has everything- recipes, humor, lifestyle advice, decorating tips... did I mention humor?
So- take a minute and let me know: What are your favorites?
Whatcha Eatin'?
One-Ingredient Ice Cream

Yes, that's right. Creamy, soft-serve style ice cream with just one ingredient — and no ice cream maker needed! What is this one magic ingredient that can be whipped into perfectly rich and silky ice cream, with no additional dairy, sweeteners, or ingredients needed whatsoever? Click here to find out.
Wise Words

Weekly this 'n' that

N2N wants you to like us...on Facebook! Click here to go to our fan page and click "like" to join up. We post great deals when we find them during the week and link to other great frugal sites. We have the Deal of the Day and Hot sure don't want to miss out on that!

Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit.

Get a $5.00 store credit any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit to use on your next visit.
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!

...and remember Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.
Computer Corner

Arthur says: There is a new variation on an old bug circulating the Internet. It's called XP AntiSpyware 2012 and may go under many other various names. But don't let the name fool you.If you have Vista or Win 7, you can still get infected.
Phone or email him for an appointment if your computer has this (or another) infection. It is a malware and is NOT a real program, no matter how real the pop-ups look. DO not purchase it when you are threatened by its warnings. Its sole purpose is to get your credit card number.
It will not remove anything but your money!
You can reach Arthur at 770-540-5100 or email him at

...and Teressa says: So guess who caught that virus? Yep, moi. I was completely fooled. The interface looked just like my Anti Virus- until the screen popped up telling me to enter my credit card info and pay $75.00. Don't panic if it happens to you. Just call Arthur. He'll have you back up and running in no time.
That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...

If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out!
Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6