As we wind our way through the dog days of summer, it's time to start thinking about fall. Here at N2N we've already started getting ready for brisk weather- come take a look at all the wonderful fall fashions! Coats, sweaters, pants, skirts- there are great bargains for the whole family!

Let's do the wild card sale again...with a whole new deck of cards! This time we'll be adding categories like "30% off anything blue" and "30% off anything that starts with the first letter of your name." We're still coming up with categories.Any suggestions?
As always, there will be one card with 30% off your entire purchase!
Wish List

Outerwear for everyone
Plus Sizes
Kid's books and videos (both VHS and DVD)
Latest Columns

My husband, Arthur, and I each write twice-a-month columns for The Times here in Gainesville. His deal with computing and technology issues. Mine deal with whatever strikes my fancy.
Arthur's latest was published on August 21. Click here to read his top tips for making your PC run smoother.

My August 20th column is about courage and camaraderie of utility workers.
Click here to see a slide show of the Kylan Warren memorial motorcycle ride.
Experiencing Teen Drama Overload? Blame Biology

Tweens and teens can go through developmental changes that can be exasperating for parents and can make them feel ineffective. Click here to hear experts talk about those trying teen years and how parents can learn to cope more effectively while their child moves toward adulthood.
Josh's Band

Okay, I know it's really just a commercial for T-Mobile, but it's also an amazing coming together of 1,107 people to form a band...and a darn good one, too!
Goodies for Eric

Loretta Roper has been a N2N shopper for years and years. Seems like just yesterday she was looking for school clothes for her son, Eric. A blink of the eye and now he's serving with our Army in Afghanistan.
Loretta writes this about his deployment: "He is in an area of Afghanistan that is 130-145 degrees. (And we thought WE were having a heat wave! -tg) The barracks has air conditioning when it works. Even when the air conditioning works the room stays hot and dusty. He told me he has to stay in uniform all the time, even when he is sleeping."
If you'd like to send him a note of thanks and encouragement, his address is:
SPC Brian Eric Roper
FOB Lindsey 2
29th BSC
APO AE 09355
Here at N2N, we feel a responsibility to do what we can to make Eric's time in service as comfortable as possible. In conjunction with the Optimist Club, we'll be signing cards and collecting items to send to Eric.
Suggested items include: instant French Roast coffee, vanilla or other flavored powdered creamer, Skittles, Starburst, Werthers hard caramels, peppermints, chewing gum (any kind), disposable cameras, word search books, Hydrocortozone cream, Johnson's baby powder with corn starch and phone cards.
Eric likes magazines related to cars and motorcycles. His mom writes: "He loves old cars and enjoys working on vehicles. Eric does some truck maintenance for the Army and drives the fuel truck, which he uses to fuel Army vehicles."
Just bring your contributions to N2N and be sure to sign the card at the register while you're there. We'll be sending out our next package on Thursday. Considering this young man's sacrifice, it's the least that we can do.

Marisa Lynch set herself a challenge: Transform 365 unattractive frocks in 365 days, for $365. Just before her 30th birthday, she got laid off. To some, losing a job means hitting the streets with a resume or wallowing in grief. But for Marisa, it meant getting the sewing machine out and upcycling thrifted fashions. Every day.
“I was just in this not-feeling-good, crummy kind of mood, and I didn’t know how to kick it,” says Marisa. That’s when Marisa saw the movie, Julie & Julia. “[Julie] was finding something to do every day that made her feel great. I was jealous. I thought, I want to find that.”
Thus, New Dress A Day entered the blogosphere. The task: To make a new fashion piece a day — on a budget of a dollar a day — for an entire year.
Looking for Love?
Our friend Ellen New, a one-woman animal rescue league, sent us the info on these two awesome dogs.

The first, an elkhound mix, was found as a stray. She's sweet, affectionate, appears to be housebroken and is probably 4-6 years old. Her current foster family desperately needs to place her...please don't let her go to a shelter.

Louie is a sweet dog, too. He will grow to be a medium dog- 45 to 65 pounds. He's a shepherd mix with possibly some Aussie- who knows? He has a loving disposition and will be like Velcro if he is ever adopted!
What's for Dinner?

“In a world of disorder and disaster and fraud, sometimes only beauty can be trusted.…And sometimes the meal is the only currency that is real.”—Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
From Woman's Day: In the bestselling memoir Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert travels the world to rediscover herself—and her appetite for life. Reeling from a messy divorce and unbearable depression, Gilbert picks up the pieces while guided by three simple words: eat, pray, love.
Seeking pleasure from Italy’s cultural delights, spiritual guidance at an ashram in India and harmony on the Indonesian island of Bali, Gilbert’s yearlong journey spoke to our hearts, our souls—and of course, our stomachs. And now, with the story adapted for the big screen, what better time to eat through an incredible journey of our own?
From a classic Neapolitan pizza to a slow-cooked vegetable curry, Woman's Day rounded up a dozen dazzling recipes inspired by Gilbert’s travels. Click here to take a look.
Happy Birthday, Rachel!

Sweet 16!
Click here to see Joan Baez perform her version of "Forever Young"...a wish for our daughters (and sons) at any age.
Wise Words

All the lessons of history in four sentences:
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power.
The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.
The bee fertilizes the flower it robs.
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
- Charles A. Beard
Weekly this 'n' that

N2N wants you to like us...on Facebook! Click here to go to our fan page and click "like" to join up. We post great deals when we find them during the week and link to other great frugal sites. We have the Deal of the Day and Hot Flashes...you sure don't want to miss out on that!
We'll be doing more drawings for credits and other goodies on a regular basis, so be sure to get in on the action!

Remember to bring in your plastic grocery bags to recycle and register to win a $25.00 store credit. The latest winner was Lila Wade. Congratulations, Lila!

Get a $5.00 store credit any time you bring us a new shopper. It's easy. Just bring in your friends who've never tried N2N shopping. When they check out at the register, we'll give YOU a $5.00 credit to use on your next visit.
Let's work to get the word out: friends don't let friends shop retail!

...and don't forget Senior Discount Day- each Monday, everyone 55 and over gets 30% off their cash purchases.

N2N has resumed cash buying! Here's how it works: for cash, we're purchasing only name brand, mall brand and better fashions. We're only taking in-season pieces (fall/winter). They must be in perfect condition and have been bought new less than 3 years ago.
Just give me a call at the shop (770-534-9070) or on my cell (770-539-1911) I'll need to set up an appointment since I'm currently the only one who is doing the cash buying. I'm giving preference to areas of the shop that have the quickest turn-over in inventory- plus sizes, maternity, men's casual wear, shoes and school clothes.
Of course, we're still continuing the store credit buying and the amount we pay is about 30% more than the cash. No appointment's necessarty for credit- just stop in anything Monday- Thrursday between 10 and 4.
Cash or store credit- either way, we all win!
Malware Alert!

Arthur says he has seen more types of malware (mal for bad, ware for software) lately than viruses. Be sure you have the proper protection in place. Don't assume just because you have an anti-virus utility installed, it will take care of malware. It may not.
Call Arthur for an appointment if you suspect a malware infection. Even better, call him before you get one and make sure it doesn't happen to you.
His rates are affordable and, really, can you afford to have an infected computer?

That's it for now. Remember-email goes both ways...

If you run across any exceptional bargains or impressive new products, let us know. We'll put the word out!
Have a remarkable week!
Teressa and the Next2New Crew
Next to New Resale Boutique
1705 Cleveland Hwy.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Monday- Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-6
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